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- - - - - - - -  Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church  - - - - - - - -   

St. Monica Catholic Church
Father Celestine Obidiegwu, Pastor
633 East Marshall Place
Tulsa, OK 74106
(918) 607-8681

Deacon:  Steve Litwack   Phone: (918) 747-0527
Decon:  Charles Beard   Phone 918-340-0090

Parish Secretary:  Liz Brown (918) 587-2965
email address:
Office Hours: Thursday and Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm

MapView | Driving Directions


Bulletin Deadline - Please submit Bulletin
Annoucements to the office before noon
on Tuesday at least two weeks prior to your
scheduled event.

To open Bulletin, click here.
To open archive Bulletins, click here.

Daily Mass Reading

Sunday & Weekday Masses
Sunday's @ 8:30 a.m..  Rosary 8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. Every Wednesday & Friday

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

9:00 a.m.. Every Wednesday

Church News/Events
* click hear for more information

North Tulsa Spring
Soccer League

St. Augustine Church
*See bulletin or Church News/Events
 for weekly schedule
Fall Soccer League
Starts Sept. 14 thur Oct. 1, 2024

North Tulsa Learning Center
Math and Reading Tutoring

St. Augustine CCD Bld -
Tue & Thurs  3:30-6pm

Other Links -

Catholic Charities of Eastern Oklahoma - Job Listing

Parish News:

RCI - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
New Parishioners Welcome -  Please register in the Church by contactiing the usher.  You may also click on this link
(Registration form) and bring form to the Church.
Religous Education/CCD Class - Every Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
from September to May at St. Augustine CCD Building (Open to the public)

Alter Servers
Euchristic Ministries
Gift Bearers

Baptism - Call the parish at (918) 587-2965
First Eucharist & Confirmation - Celebrated once a year.
Reconciliation - Sunday before Mass or anytime by appointment.
Marriage - Minimum of six months preparation is required. Call this office for more information.  
Visitation of the sick - As request or needed
Communion to the sick - In the event of illiness contact
Pastor.  Please call the Pastor if you know of anyone unable to attend Mass.
Vocations - Anyone interest in becoiming a Priest, Deacon
or Lay Minister, contact the Paris Priest.

We're so glad you are here. We'd like to invite your family to join our parish family on a journey of faith.
Download the pdf below, fill it out and mail to our parish office.   registration form

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